Bikini Smiles — Bali
Why is Bali so Beautiful for me?
Bali beach style bikini lover forever summer OCD Behavior tropical weather

Every time I open up my iPad or other device, the first thing I always do, ritualistically, is to open google chrome and search my favorite search terms : “Beautiful Bali”, and then select images tab. I never get tired of this ritual. Actually these are totally refreshing images for my mind. Next up after “Beautiful Bali” is “Beautiful Bali Bikini”. Again these are totally refreshing images for me. Nothing about these images disturbs me (and I am very sensitive and easily disturbed by images!), rather I totally can count these beautiful images of Bali to refresh and calm...
My Typical 48 hour day while living in Kuta, Bali, Part 1!
Bali beach style bikini lover forever summer OCD Behavior shopping Starbucks summertime tropical weather

The typical day I am about to describe is a routine that I repeated many many times during the months I lived In Kuta, Bali, Indonesia in 2014. If you don’t know this already, Kuta in the most famous part of Bali and with good reason. Not only is it the home of the iconic Kuta Beach but it also has a swinging nightlife scene that keeps going into the wee small hours. To explain the details about my 48 hour day gets a bit lengthy, so I will divide into 2 parts. Here is Part 1!: My day starts at about...